Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What makes up a Supermom...

What makes up a Supermom?? Shit if I know.

In the past five years and eight months, I have come to understand that being a mom consists of late nights, lots of laundry, tons of self sacrifice, forced interaction with other parents and their kids, and the constant questioning of every decision I make.

Case in point, should the five year old watch over-edited Sex in the City episodes with me?? Will all of the kissing and edited words really affect her? Or does it mean that she will develop a true appreciation for New York City, an understanding of the struggles single gals face, and the knowledge of who Patricia Fields is?

Will she look back at her rearing and think that I did a good job or support the therapist community with gusto?

I suppose that only time will tell. Until then, I will bumble through motherhood one day at a time...and tell myself that I am indeed a Supermom.

1 comment:

  1. I vote SuperMom, but then I am a little biased...
